[Tutorial] How to create teams and colors

Hello ! Now i will teach u how to create teams anyways let's start it kinda sux but whatever.

EDIT: Do not forget to define the colors Here is some colors put them on the top of your script
PHP Code:
#define COLOR_PLAYER_BROWN 0x663300FF
#define COLOR_PLAYER_BLACK 0x212121FF
#define COLOR_PLAYER_BLACK1 0x741827FF
#define COL_PURPLE 0x7E1A6CAA
#define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000FFFF
#define COL_BLUE 002FFF
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x00FF00AA
#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9900AA
#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_LIME 0x10F441AA
#define COLOR_NAVY 0x000080AA
#define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA
#define COLOR_CORAL 0xFF7F50AA
#define Green 0x33AA33AA
#define COLOR_GOLD 0xB8860BAA
#define COLOR_INDIGO 0x4B00B0AA
now i will explain how to put the colors but first of all define your teams at the top
PHP Code:
#define TEAM_BLAH 0
#define TEAM_BLA 1// This defines your team and it's important so don't forget it !! 
Now go to on player spawn

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)//Now underit we will create the colors and the teams !
PHP Code:
switch (GetPlayerSkin(playerid))
//Before u start 
Add this
PHP Code:
 case 1:{SetPlayerColor(playeridCOLOR_WHITE);}// case 1: the 1 is the skin id you want SetPlayerColor it sets the player color ofcourse and if u do COLOR_WHITE it makes his color white do not forget to define it at the top ! 
Now u can make the colors but ! i will also teach u how to make teams so they will not kill eachother !
PHP Code:
case .. 26://These two is the ids Now why .. ? it the skins "In it" like 1 what after 1 ? 2 and till then it's 26 so .. it's the numbers inside it 
Now put this
PHP Code:
{//Under case: 1 .. 26: 
Ok let's make da teams !
pawn Code:
SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TEAM_BLAH);// Setplayeteam it sets the player team player and ofc the team make sure u defined it !
Now for this
PHP Code:
}//Close it. 
Plus if u want teams and colors like together do this:
PHP Code:
case .. 26:
SetPlayerColor(playeridCOLOR_YOUR COLOR); 
And remember always put it under the cmd when u done
PHP Code:
return 1;

or it will not work.
something like that
pawn Code:
case 281 .. 286:
            SetPlayerTeam(playerid, TEAM_BLA);
            SetPlayerColor(playerid, COL_YOUR COLOR);
    return 1;
This is an example of a lot of teams/colors that iv'e made.
PHP Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    switch (
102 .. 104:
105 .. 107:
108 .. 110:
132 .. 230:
120 .. 122:
114 .. 116:
281 .. 286:

I know bad tutorial next time better.

Messages In This Thread
How to create teams and colors - by YanLanger - 03.10.2014, 05:14
Re: How to create teams and colors - by Adarsh007 - 03.10.2014, 05:28
Re: How to create teams and colors - by YanLanger - 03.10.2014, 05:32
Re: How to create teams and colors - by Eth - 03.10.2014, 11:18
Re: How to create teams and colors - by YanLanger - 03.10.2014, 11:20
Re: How to create teams and colors - by Shady - 08.10.2014, 15:20
Re: How to create teams and colors - by YanLanger - 10.10.2014, 17:32
Re: How to create teams and colors - by Shady - 11.10.2014, 10:33
Re: How to create teams and colors - by YanLanger - 11.10.2014, 10:37
Re: How to create teams and colors - by Shady - 11.10.2014, 16:19

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