02.10.2014, 20:03
So i can use notepad++ like pawn? Does notepad++ compile files for samp??
what they are doing with notepad++ is just convert your code to the code you wish, as it provides that function. after you've done what they said with notepad++ you have to copy everything from notepad++ and paste it into pawno again and then compile it...
Although you ofc can use notepad++ the same way as you can do with pawno. You can write the code into it and you can save it as a .pwn file. Although notepad++ has no compiler to compile the .pwn file to the .amx file your server needs to run.
I'm pretty sure I've seen some extension or plugin or whatsoever for notepad++ once to add a compile function to it, but I'm not sure...
Anyway, without changing some things in notepad++ (changes that are not like 2 clicks but require some good knowledge - if even possible), you can not compile your script with notepad++, which means you can not replace pawno completely with notepad++.
EDIT: Found where I read about the notepad++ compile feature... CLICK HERE