Textdraw team names

Tutorial on how to make an updated textdraw:

first at the top of your script:
pawn Код:
new Text:TeamText[MAX_PLAYERS];//The textdraw we are going to updat
pawn Код:
TeamText[playerid] = TextDrawCreate(1.500000, 432.000000, "");//We create the textdraw at X and Y you can change it if you want
    TextDrawBackgroundColor(TeamText[playerid], 255);//We set the background of the textdraw to 225 which is black I guess
    TextDrawFont(TeamText[playerid], 1);//We change the text font to 1
    TextDrawColor(TeamText[playerid], -1);//We change the textdraw color to -1 which is white, we will change it soon
now On player spawn:
pawn Код:
if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_COPS)//IF THE TEAM IS COPS you can change the TEAM_COPS to the cops team
TextDrawSetString(TeamText[playerid],"Cops");//we set the textdraw text to Cops
TextDrawColor(TeamText[playerid],0x3A47DEFF);//we change the text color to blue
else if(gTeam[playerid] == TEAM_CAV)//IF THE TEAM IS CAV you can change the TEAM_CAV to the robbers team
TextDrawSetString(TeamText[playerid],"Cavillian");//we set the textdraw text to Cavillian
TextDrawColor(TeamText[playerid],-1);//we change the text color to white

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw team names - by YanLanger - 02.10.2014, 17:33
Re: Textdraw team names - by Eth - 02.10.2014, 17:47
Re: Textdraw team names - by mant - 02.10.2014, 17:58

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