29.09.2014, 12:38
Remove Whirlpool plugin
and use this code
and use this code
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_REGISTER) //If dialog id is a register dialog
if(!response) return Kick(playerid); //If they clicked the second button "Quit", we will kick them.
if(response) //if they clicked the first button "Register"
if(!strlen(inputtext)) //If they didn't enter any password
{// then we will tell to them to enter the password to register
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_REGISTER,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,"Register","Welcome! This account is not registered.\nEnter your own password to create a new account.\nPlease enter the password!","Register","Quit");
return 1;
new INI:file = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); // we will open a new file for them to save their account inside of Scriptfiles/Users folder
INI_SetTag(file,"Player's Data");//We will set a tag inside of user's account called "Player's Data"
INI_WriteString(file,"Password", udb_hash(inputtext));//This will write a hashed password into user's account
INI_WriteInt(file,"AdminLevel",0); //Write an integer inside of user's account called "AdminLevel". We will set his level to 0 after he registered.
INI_WriteInt(file,"Money",0);//Write an integer inside of user's account called "Money". We will set their money to 0 after he registered
INI_WriteInt(file,"Kills",0);//As explained above
INI_WriteInt(file,"Deaths",0);//As explained above
INI_Close(file);//Now after we've done saving their data, we now need to close the file
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You have been successfully registered");//Tell to them that they have successfully registered a new account
return 1;