Originally Posted by Donny
Originally Posted by NeRoSiS
Originally Posted by Donny
Shame on you for not crediting the original author.
Excuse me?
This is entirely my own work, if you could give me the link for the "original author" then I would appreciate it, to see where the hell you got the idea that I copied.
I think you need to relax also dude, I'm just calling you on what I saw as a foul play, wouldn't you like me to do it with someone else if I thought they were copying your work and not crediting you for it ?
Uh, his script looks nothing like that, you probably notice them as similar scripts as they both do the same thing (Spawn ramps), but yeah, this look like he coded this on his own, the one you posted has different variables and uses a loop and timer, which is completely useless.