20.09.2014, 02:12
You'll need access to the gamemode .pwn file and edit the command but as you said you don't have access to it. The only other thing I can think of is if you create a filterscript so when a player enters the server it sends them a message that tells them not to use the command otherwise they'll be punished severely.
You could maybe also make a filterscipt with the command the exact same as the cmd in the gamemode that bugs your server but make it a kick command so if they use type the bugged command, it kicks them from the server.
Not sure if this will help, but it's probably my best advice mate. Good luck
You could maybe also make a filterscipt with the command the exact same as the cmd in the gamemode that bugs your server but make it a kick command so if they use type the bugged command, it kicks them from the server.
Not sure if this will help, but it's probably my best advice mate. Good luck