[Include] Zipline - Speed around the rooftops!


Create fun and useful ziplines players can use to speed across large areas quickly. Warning: does not work well with laggy players.

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  • MAX_ZIPLINE: Zipline creation limit.

pawn Код:
CreateZipline(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2, worldid = 0, interiorid = 0); // Create a zipline between the two sets of coordinates.
DestroyZipline(ziplineid); // Delete a zipline from the game world.
IsValidZipline(ziplineid); // Returns if a zipline ID is a valid zipline.
GetZiplineStartAreaID(ziplineid); // Returns the ID of the streamer area used for the start point.
GetZiplineEndAreaID(ziplineid); // Returns the ID of the streamer area used for the end point.
GetZiplineLineID(ziplineid); // Returns the ID of the line segment object used for the zipline.
GetZiplineStartPos(ziplineid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z); // Returns the start point position.
SetZiplineStartPos(ziplineid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); // Sets the start point position and updates the line segment object accordingly.
GetZiplineEndPos(ziplineid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z); // Returns the end point position.
SetZiplineEndPos(ziplineid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z); // Sets the end point position and updates the line segment object accordingly.
GetZiplineVector(ziplineid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z); // Returns the 3D direction vector of the zipline from the start point.
GetZiplineWorld(ziplineid); // Returns the virtual world in which the zipline is located.
SetZiplineWorld(ziplineid, worldid); // Sets the virtual world of the zipline and updates the line segment object accordingly.
GetZiplineInterior(ziplineid); // Returns the interior in which the zipline is located.
SetZiplineInterior(ziplineid, interiorid); // Sets the interior of the zipline and updates the line segment object accordingly.
IsPlayerOnZipline(playerid); // Returns if a player is currently on any zipline.
GetPlayerZipline(playerid); // Returns the zipline that a player is currently on.
  • OnPlayerKeyStateChange: For checking when a player interacts with a zipline entry point.
  • OnPlayerEnterDynamicArea: For checking when the player reaches the end of a zipline so they can be removed.

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