Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off

On SA:MP you cannot have more than 100 FPS, however there are sometimes when it goes abit above then sets back to 100 FPS again.

As what ev0lution said, "San Andreas seems to have a problem that the higher your FPS, the slower you swim.". He's correct.

Messages In This Thread
Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by [SP]Badman - 06.09.2014, 16:57
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by ev0lution - 06.09.2014, 17:45
AW: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by EnzoMortelli - 16.09.2014, 10:04
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by SickAttack - 16.09.2014, 14:28
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by Pottus - 16.09.2014, 14:42
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by DiDok - 16.09.2014, 18:54
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by Pottus - 16.09.2014, 19:08
Re: Cannot swim faster - Frame Limiter Off - by Khanz - 16.09.2014, 19:40

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