Server crasher (logs)

A bug like this used to exist back around 0.2.2... this was to do with a client causing an infinite loop. However it used to be more than one client as the data limits/CPU usage never used to exceed if it was one client.

Anyhow, the crasher/bug used to simply call F4. This means the next time the player dies they go back to the class selection, it would then do a fake death once a spawn was detected. Why would you wait to spawn you might ask?

Well, back in 0.2.2 and still today. Servers set in their spawn callback "PlayerSpawned[playerid]". This bacially ment they wouldn't be caught out by a little anticheat in OnPlayerSpawn.

Anyhow the way around this was to limit the amount of times a player could request a new class, I usually set 3. Then kick them, if you don't want to kick innocent people you can also set a timer of say 10 seconds to restore this RequestClassCount back to 0.

This was designed to exceed CPU usage, by calling lots of functions and to be fair heavy functions over and over again. This always used to be more than one single person however. Are you absolutely certain it isn't script error.

Messages In This Thread
Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 09.09.2014, 20:59
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Sublime - 10.09.2014, 01:53
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 10.09.2014, 02:18
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Sublime - 10.09.2014, 02:58
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Lordzy - 10.09.2014, 04:24
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 13.09.2014, 15:29
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by IceCube! - 13.09.2014, 23:25

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