Server crasher (logs)

There recently have been topics about some guy named 'Raymond' crashing servers. He begged for my TDM script that Snipa and I have been working on for the past 5-6 months and when his (literally) hundreds of requests were denied, he opted to use some kind of server crasher to crash my server. I have come to the conclusion that this isn't a script specific problem, therefore I'm posting a thread to look into this.

When the attacker does it to my server, my CPU usage jumps to full usage and acts like an infinite loop - I have to forcefully kill the server for it to stop. Here are some logs:
[09/03/14 08:42:25 PM] [join] Hkertem00 has joined the server (0:
[09/03/14 08:42:25 PM] Time to execute connect for 'Hkertem00'(0): 1ms.
[09/03/14 08:42:30 PM] Hkertem00(0) has registered!
[09/03/14 08:42:44 PM] [ANTICHEAT] Player Hkertem00[0] has possibly connected with ******!
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug]  Accessing element at index 9 past array upper bound 8
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] #0 0002bcf8 in ?? (0x00000000, 0x00000008) from s7tdm.amx
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] #1 0000f3a8 in public OnPlayerRequestClass (0x00000000, 0x00000008) from s7tdm.amx
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug]  Accessing element at index 9 past array upper bound 8
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] #0 0007c788 in ?? (0x00000000) from s7tdm.amx
[09/03/14 08:42:52 PM] [debug] #1 000101bc in public OnPlayerRequestSpawn (0x00000000) from s7tdm.amx
[09/03/14 08:42:57 PM] Warning: client exceeded 'messageslimit' (582) Limit: 500/sec
[09/03/14 09:21:48 PM] Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
After that, there's nothing else - the server is stuck/'crashed'.

Messages In This Thread
Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 09.09.2014, 20:59
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Sublime - 10.09.2014, 01:53
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 10.09.2014, 02:18
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Sublime - 10.09.2014, 02:58
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by Lordzy - 10.09.2014, 04:24
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by rymax99 - 13.09.2014, 15:29
Re: Server crasher (logs) - by IceCube! - 13.09.2014, 23:25

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