4 Commands please =)

Hello, dear Scripter...

I have a wish I uche already since long zeit several orders

/veh [vehname]
- Every player is allowed to do the order Use
- Spawnt autos sits thus spieler immediately drinn

/weather [weatherid]
- Every player is allowed to do the order Use
- If the weather changes the order only with the player him does not give with all!

- Every player is allowed to do the order Use
- Extinguishes dasd car in that of the players sits

/weapons [weaonid] [munnition]
- Every player is allowed to do the order Use
- if he gives spieler waffe with so much munnition angegebn has

/skin [skinid]
- Every player is allowed to do the order Use
- Changes the Skin of the player

ps: sry for my bad english =(

mfg. puchini

Messages In This Thread
4 Commands please =) - by puchini - 22.06.2009, 15:48
Re: 4 Commands please =) - by ashley_bridges - 22.06.2009, 16:16
Re: 4 Commands please =) - by Correlli - 22.06.2009, 16:32

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