help me please

1. Why you all make these titles of topics " help me please , help urgent , etc .... " Title of topic must at least show others the inner post of the topic. You could have made the title to " Gta SA Won't run[Video Inside] "

2. I didn't see anything well from that camera, next time try using Bandicam or any other screen recorder program. Which will show us better textures and etc...

3. Did you try to run it as administrator ? Cause as I said in 2. " I didn't see anything well from that camera, .... "
If you did, then the problem is from the computer...

Messages In This Thread
help me please - by Diti1 - 31.08.2014, 15:30
Re: help me please - by andrewgrob - 31.08.2014, 18:19
Re: help me please - by Diti1 - 31.08.2014, 18:30
Re: help me please - by andrewgrob - 31.08.2014, 18:34
Re: help me please - by Diti1 - 31.08.2014, 23:57
Re: help me please - by EgyptForLife - 04.09.2014, 22:35

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