Moving the camera around a static spot (trigonometry help?)


so i would like to create a camera movement that circles around a spot. (e.g. a player)
First i tried to make it with a timer and some trigonometric functions (floatsin and floatcos) until i discovered there are better methods to accomplish this.

I discovered the functions:
InterpolateCameraPos and InterpolateCameraLookAt.

I tried around but i just cant get it done.
I deleted my previous code after i discovered these functinos but i still cant get it done.
Either im thinking way too complicated or im just too dump for this.

Do i still need trigonometric functions to accomplish a camera circling movement around a spot using the functions mentioned above?
Or is there an easier way? (i suppose there is as this functions are supposed to do this kinda stuff)
Atm im just to tired to go on trying.
I hope someone can help me or at least give me a hint please

thanks in advance!

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