01.09.2014, 07:33
Team Deathmatch is significantly easier. Compare the popular TDM servers to the popular CNR servers. I'm absolutely certain that the CNR servers took substantially longer to create.
From what you said, as well (that you didn't know what you were doing), I would recommend TDM. There are many more complex features of CNR that have to be perfect to work properly, attract players and keep them there.
It also seems like you can get away with having a really shitty TDM script and still get players (e.g. iNiko), whereas people don't like bad CNR servers.
From what you said, as well (that you didn't know what you were doing), I would recommend TDM. There are many more complex features of CNR that have to be perfect to work properly, attract players and keep them there.
It also seems like you can get away with having a really shitty TDM script and still get players (e.g. iNiko), whereas people don't like bad CNR servers.