How to make Y_INI loop through all variables, without knowing the name of the variables?

I've made a phone contacts system which basically saves player's number under a chosen name.
However, I can't think of a way of loading the values without knowing the name of the variables, I can do it when a single number is requested, but I'm trying to make a command which would list ALL of the saved numbers along with the given name.

The .ini save files containing phone contacts are named by the player's phone number, so if player x's phone number was 65, it'd be 65.ini, and inside of that his phone contacts would be saved.

However, contacts are saved in a format like this:
For example, this is 714967894.ini:
726268636 = Jerry
How would I load ALL the variables stored inside without really knowing the name of the variables inside and how many there are?

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