[FilterScript] "Silent" Aimbot Detector (FINAL RELEASE)

* This is the complete version of my "project" - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=521690
I've fixed various bugs, and also improved some stuff.
The code will now work as the aimbot works, It will ignore people surfing(since the aimbot then isn't accurate), and people in cars = Less false alerts.
* IMPORTANT: Please load the filterscript as the server starts( Don't use /rcon loadfs .... ), as It might cause lag issues when loaded while server is already up/on!

I've tested this with 7 players, and didn't have any false warnings. I suppose the code could support up to 20 - 50 players.. Should be Okay for A/D and other small servers.
Things we did while testing;
Used weapon switching, C-bugged / Rapid-fired,Slide-bugged,Used "runnies" weapons, to be sure the code won't fail in such ways.

Video(Older version);

Download link;

V Much lighter but untested version, most unneeded stuff removed V
^ Most (useless) variables are removed here & some debugging stuff ^

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playerid, weaponid, hittype, hitid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ)
    if(hittype == BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER && !IsPlayerNPC(hitid))
        if(!IsAFK{ hitid } && !CoolDown{ playerid })
            new surf = GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID(playerid), tsurf = GetPlayerSurfingVehicleID(hitid);
            if(surf == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && tsurf == INVALID_VEHICLE_ID && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(hitid))
                    Float:targetpkl = NetStats_PacketLossPercent(hitid),
                    Float:playerpkl = NetStats_PacketLossPercent(playerid)
                if(targetpkl < 0.8 && playerpkl < 0.8)
                    new Float:fOriginX, Float:fOriginY, Float:fOriginZ, Float:fHitPosX, Float:fHitPosY, Float:fHitPosZ;
                    GetPlayerLastShotVectors(playerid, fOriginX, fOriginY, fOriginZ, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ);
                    CheckForAimbot(playerid, fHitPosX, fHitPosY, fHitPosZ, hitid);
                else printf("[abd] skipping '%s' and(or) '%s' due to packetloss being above 0.8", GetName(playerid), GetName(hitid));
            else printf("[abd] skipping '%s' and(or) '%s' due to valid surf-vehicle/in-vehicle", GetName(playerid), GetName(hitid));
        else printf("[abd] skipping '%s' and(or) '%s' due to target being afk/player having cooldown", GetName(playerid), GetName(hitid));
    return 1;
//------------------------------ STOCKs and TIMERs ----------------------------------
stock CheckForAimbot(playerid, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, attacked = INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
    if(attacked != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(attacked, 3.0, fX, fY, fZ))
            printf("ABD: %s(IP: %s) has received %d/10 aimbot warnings.", GetName(playerid), PlayerIP(playerid), TimesDetected[playerid]);
            new string[110];
            if(TimesDetected[playerid] >= 3 && TimesDetected[playerid] <= 5)
                format(string, sizeof(string), "WARNING: %s(%d) is POSSIBLY using aimbot (%d warnings)", GetName(playerid), playerid, playerid, playerid, TimesDetected[playerid]);
                SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_NOTES2, string), string = "\0";
                DetectedForAimbot{ playerid } = true;
            else if(TimesDetected[playerid] >= 10)
                format(string, sizeof(string), "KICK: %s(%d) has been auto-kicked for receiving 10 aimbot warnings.", GetName(playerid), playerid);
                SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_NOTES2, string), string = "\0", Kick(playerid);
                printf("ABD: %s(IP: %s) has been kicked for receiving 10 aimbot warnings.", GetName(playerid), PlayerIP(playerid));
            string = "\0";
    else printf("[abd] error! 'attacked'(%d) was an invalid id!", attacked);

Me, Threshold and Pottus for the main script/helping me.
Zeex for zCMD
****** for foreach and sscanf
Emmet_ for his 'new SA-MP callbacks'
iDrv, "fisy", Andan, Ziewuza, YouSri, Mico, Kewizzle and Jaakkima - For testing, helping me discover and fix bugs.

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