Creating an interactive Dialog

What would you need it to be converted to?

The main point is that you have a 2d array and maybe an enum which will actually tell you what you are holding: Questions[NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS_POSSIBLE][questionData]

This in return would allow you to populate your list dialog when required.

Messages In This Thread
Creating an interactive Dialog - by Malicious - 22.08.2014, 12:38
Re: Creating an interactive Dialog - by xXShadowXx - 22.08.2014, 13:04
Re: Creating an interactive Dialog - by iFarbod - 22.08.2014, 13:38
Re: Creating an interactive Dialog - by Malicious - 22.08.2014, 13:41
Re: Creating an interactive Dialog - by MissionCoder - 22.08.2014, 21:41

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