21.08.2014, 11:04
Последний раз редактировалось HyDrAtIc; 21.08.2014 в 16:01.
Hello, why there are no good roleplay servers now? Before you start spamming me with going to server ads section, all the servers there are always on zero, or they are using a crappy NGG edit with some immature staff, I keep searching the internet list for any good server, all Russian, or always empty, can anyone PM me a good server IP?
Please do not spam this thread, I only requested a name and a number, no need to spam it.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Thanks all for assisting, I'll try to find some good servers.
Please do not spam this thread, I only requested a name and a number, no need to spam it.
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: Thanks all for assisting, I'll try to find some good servers.