20.08.2014, 02:08
Hi, I don't understand why I got a "[04:10:36] [WARNING] cache_get_row_count - no active cache" when this code executes itself.
Mysql Log file:
This code is supposed to find in the database how much vehicles there is, then save them.
But actually, nbVoitures is always 0 what ever there's in database.
Anybody know how could I fix this please ?
Thank you
Mysql Log file:
[04:08:36] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 1, query: "SELECT * FROM `voitures`", callback: "(null)", format: "(null)" [04:08:36] [DEBUG] cache_get_row_count - connection: 1 [04:08:36] [WARNING] cache_get_row_count - no active cache
public SauvegardeVoitures() { new query[128]; format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `voitures`"); mysql_tquery(mysql, query, ""); new nbVoitures = cache_get_row_count(); printf("Dйbut save v, nbVoitures = %d", nbVoitures); if(nbVoitures > 0) { for(new v = 1; v < nbVoitures; v++) { SauvegardeVoiture(v); printf("Save veh: %d", v); } } return 1; }
But actually, nbVoitures is always 0 what ever there's in database.
Anybody know how could I fix this please ?
Thank you