
so basically what i am doing is a /rac (respawn all cars) and i want some vehicles to be destroyed and others to SetVehicleToRespawn. Admins can create cars and the id of that car is pInfo[playerid][AdminCar] - i want do destroy thoose vehicles and just respawn the others.

EDIT: this is my old /rac command:
	    	new bool:vehicleused[MAX_VEHICLES];
			for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
				if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
					vehicleused[GetPlayerVehicleID(i)] = true;
			for(new i=1; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++)

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Help - by Fjclip99 - 12.08.2014, 20:38
Re: Help - by Fjclip99 - 12.08.2014, 20:47
Re: Help - by Virtual1ty - 12.08.2014, 21:00
Re: Help - by Fjclip99 - 12.08.2014, 21:21
Re: Help - by Virtual1ty - 12.08.2014, 21:34
Re: Help - by Fjclip99 - 13.08.2014, 11:46

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