[Off] [IDE] Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Integrado

Verdade, sei que nгo precisamos nada mais do que o prуprio Pawno mesmo, procuramos outras IDEs mesmo pra desfrutar de alguns recursos mesmo.

Estava olhando a ferramenta Scripting Machine


Syntax highlighting
Code folding & parsing
Unlimited tabs (one tab per file)
Smart compiler (Show errors/warnings on a list and you can jump to the selected error/warning line)
All functions detected and highlighted (from native or custom includes, and the current file)
Detect variables/arrays for Auto-Completition
Call Tips
Restore files on crash
Custom syntax highlight colors
2 Color pickers (primary and secondary)
Information about skins, vehicles, sprites, etc.
Dialog maker (with a real previewer)
Areas selector
Object & vehicle converter
User friendly interface
Multi-language (English, Espaсol, Portuguкs, Deutsch)
Much more (Read a full description at project's homepage --> http://code.******.com/p/scripting-machine/
E parece ter bons recursos, vou testar esta ferramenta e logo posto os resultados.

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