[GameMode] Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete)

This script is NOT an edit, how-ever some parts of the Login/Registration System are based/inspired on loading/saving systems from various sources. So, it basically, isn't an edit. I don't understand why some-one would use an edit on a script with only about 300 lines. Thanks for asking though.

Game-mode planning:
- Release version 1.1 by the end of today(hope-fully), which will include a few new admin commands/capabilities, which will also begin the usage of the ZCMD include(which will then make it a required include for this game-mode to work properly along with foreach for some new functions to make player-looping faster.)

Update v1.1.0 is finally here! Updates can be found here, and in the main post thread in the change-log section.

* Added a few new commands, along with some new functions relating to the commands. *
* The following includes/plug-ins are now mandatory: sscanf(2), ZCMD. *
* Added an initial mapping file *

Update Notes:
- The streamer plug-in is not needed to compile, how-ever if you wish to make any changes to the mapping file(which is in a filter-script) you'll need it. You will NEED the streamer plug-in, how-ever if you plan on using the mapping file, how-ever as of now you'll live without the mapping file loaded.

- There is now a /kick command along with a /makeadmin command. By default, Level 7 Admins and above are able to use it, how-ever this can be changed by editing the "MAKE_ADMIN_RANK" define.

Messages In This Thread
Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 10.08.2014, 14:18
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by IDarkness - 10.08.2014, 14:42
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Iillminetor1 - 10.08.2014, 14:43
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 10.08.2014, 14:53
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by HyDrAtIc - 10.08.2014, 15:26
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 10.08.2014, 16:06
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 13.08.2014, 12:54
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Toolkit - 13.08.2014, 18:13
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 15.08.2014, 01:02
AW: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by SirAnas - 15.08.2014, 11:32
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by AzaMx - 15.08.2014, 11:36
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 15.08.2014, 12:53
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by XxSlaydeRxX - 15.08.2014, 17:07
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Team_PRO - 16.08.2014, 08:19
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Inspiron - 17.08.2014, 08:59
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by ManGoe - 17.08.2014, 12:34
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 17.08.2014, 13:12
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Mijata - 17.08.2014, 13:17
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by iFarbod - 21.08.2014, 08:55
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 21.08.2014, 19:45
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by iFarbod - 22.08.2014, 10:42
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 22.08.2014, 12:28
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Thomixio - 23.08.2014, 16:31
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 23.08.2014, 20:45
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Thomixio - 23.08.2014, 21:00
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 23.08.2014, 22:06
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by MatsFox - 25.08.2014, 02:32
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by iFoxTheRoleplayer - 29.08.2014, 04:12
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by iFarbod - 01.09.2014, 15:58
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Ox1gEN - 07.09.2014, 19:00
Re: Xenon Gaming Roleplay(v1.0 - MySQL - WIP/Not Complete) - by Abagail - 19.04.2015, 17:34

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