Textdraws problems

TextDrawTextSize(Text_Tuning[4], 284.888275, 102.044441);
TextDrawTextSize(Text_Tuning[3], 753.332702, 94.577728);
These values are way too high, at least, what I can tell from the screenshots the textdraws aren't so big so you should get the right TextDrawTextSize, I use different sizes but actually not one of my clickable textdraws has a TextSize bigger then 39.000000, 335.000000 and that's the very limit I'm using, the average TextSize(s) are ~20.000000, ~35.000000 in my script.

Best regards,

Messages In This Thread
Textdraws problems - by fordawinzz - 30.07.2014, 13:46
Re: Textdraws problems - by jessejanssen - 30.07.2014, 14:02
Respuesta: Textdraws problems - by FullCircle - 30.07.2014, 14:13
Re: Textdraws problems - by fordawinzz - 30.07.2014, 15:50
Re: Textdraws problems - by fordawinzz - 30.07.2014, 18:34
Respuesta: Re: Textdraws problems - by FullCircle - 30.07.2014, 19:35
Re: Textdraws problems - by jessejanssen - 30.07.2014, 20:02
Re: Textdraws problems - by fordawinzz - 02.08.2014, 21:32
Re: Textdraws problems - by fordawinzz - 09.08.2014, 09:33
Re: Textdraws problems - by jessejanssen - 09.08.2014, 14:20

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