textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws.

I create some clickable textdraw and are working. but the problem is that when i am click some where else for example beneath that textdraw. it is also performing the action. and the other problem is Hover. The color also changes even when i don't hover at exact place.

I read somewhere in sa-mp that textdrawtextsize can make it perfect. But when i added textdrawtextsize which i prepared from In-Game Textdraw editor. It stopped working. Can any body tell me how to use textdrawtextsize ?

Messages In This Thread
textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws. - by Champ - 09.08.2014, 12:54
Re: textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws. - by Pottus - 09.08.2014, 12:58
Re: textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws. - by Champ - 09.08.2014, 13:27
Re: textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws. - by Pottus - 09.08.2014, 13:32
Re: textdrawtextsize - Clickable textdraws. - by Champ - 09.08.2014, 13:46

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