07.08.2014, 09:03
Try this and save in filterscripts
enum TempBanData
#include <a_samp> #include <zcmd> #include <sscanf2> #define COLOR_RED 0xFF0000AA enum TempBanData { BannedName[24], BannedIP[16], UnbanDate } new TempBans[24][TempBanData]; // 24 = max bans public OnFilterScriptInit() { LoadTempBans(); TempBanUpdate(); print("Temporary Ban System Loaded..."); return 1; } public OnFilterScriptExit() { SaveTempBans(); return 1; } CMD:tempbanip(playerid,params[]) { if(!TempAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You must be admin to use this command."); new ip[16],days; if(GetCurrentTempBanCount() == 24) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Temp Ban Limit Reached."); if(sscanf(params, "s[16]d",ip,days)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /tempbanip <ip> <amount of days ahead>"); new year,mon,d; getdate(year,mon,d); new i = GetTempBanSlot(); TempBans[i][BannedIP] = ip; TempBans[i][UnbanDate] = d+days; new str[100]; format(str,sizeof str,"** IP %s set to to unbanned on %d/%d/%d",mon,d+days,year); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,str); format(str,sizeof str,"banip %s",ip); SendRconCommand(str); return 1; } CMD:tbip(playerid,params[]) { return cmd_tempbanip(playerid,params); } CMD:tbu(playerid,params[]) { return cmd_tempbanname(playerid,params); } CMD:tb(playerid,params[]) { return cmd_tempban(playerid,params); } CMD:tempbanname(playerid,params[]) { if(!TempAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You must be admin to use this command."); new name[24],days; if(GetCurrentTempBanCount() == 24) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Temp Ban Limit Reached."); if(sscanf(params, "s[24]d",name,days)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /tempbanname <Name> <amount of days ahead>"); new year,mon,d; getdate(year,mon,d); new i = GetTempBanSlot(); format(TempBans[i][BannedName],sizeof name,"%s",name); TempBans[i][BannedName] = name; TempBans[i][UnbanDate] = d+days; new str[100]; format(str,sizeof str,"Name %s set to to unbanned on %d/%d/%d",mon,d+days,year); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,str); return 1; } CMD:tempban(playerid,params[]) { if(!TempAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You must be admin to use this command."); new days,rsn[24],id,name[24]; if(GetCurrentTempBanCount() == 24) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Temp Ban Limit Reached."); if(sscanf(params, "uds[24]",id,days,rsn)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /tempban <PlayerID/Name> <Amount Of Days> <Reason>"); new year,mon,d; getdate(year,mon,d); new i = GetTempBanSlot(); new aname[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid,aname,sizeof aname); GetPlayerName(id,name,sizeof name); format(TempBans[i][BannedName],sizeof name,"%s",name); TempBans[i][BannedName] = name; TempBans[i][UnbanDate] = d+days; new str[128]; GetPlayerName(id,name,sizeof name); format(str,sizeof str,"%s (ID%d) has been temporary banned by Admin %s (ID:%d) (%s)",aname,playerid,name,id,rsn); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,str); return 1; } CMD:tempunban(playerid,params[]) { if(!TempAdmin(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"You must be admin to use this command."); new ip[16]; if(GetCurrentTempBanCount() == 24) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Temp Ban Limit Reached."); if(sscanf(params, "s[16]",ip)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Usage: /tempunban <IPAddress>"); new i = GetBan(ip); if(i == 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Ban Entry could not be found! Try again."); new str[100]; format(str,sizeof str,"IP %s unbanned!",ip); SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,str); DeleteTempBanEntry(i); return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { new name[24],ip[16]; GetPlayerIp(playerid,ip,sizeof ip); GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof name); for(new id; id < 24; id++) { if(!strcmp(name,TempBans[id][BannedName])) { // ban type is name SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Your ban has not expired!"); Kick(playerid); return 1; } if(!strcmp(ip,TempBans[id][BannedIP])) { // ban type is ip ! SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Your ban has not expired!"); Kick(playerid); return 1; } } return 1; } forward TempBanUpdate(); public TempBanUpdate() { new day,month,year,hour,minute,second,str[100]; gettime(hour,minute,second); getdate(year,month,day); for(new id; id < 24; id++) { if(TempBans[id][UnbanDate] == day) // type 1 = day ban (unban on specific day) { if(strlen(TempBans[id][BannedIP]) > 0) { format(str,sizeof str,"unbanip %s",TempBans[id][BannedIP]); SendRconCommand(str); format(str,sizeof str,"Auto-Unban: IP %s was unbanned. (Ban Expired)",TempBans[id][BannedIP]); print(str); DeleteTempBanEntry(id); return 1; } if(strlen(TempBans[id][BannedName]) > 0) { format(str,sizeof str,"Auto-Unban: Name %s was unbanned. (Ban Expired)",TempBans[id][BannedName]); print(str); DeleteTempBanEntry(id); } } } return 1; } DeleteTempBanEntry(id) { strdel(TempBans[id][BannedName],0,24); strdel(TempBans[id][BannedIP],0,16); TempBans[id][UnbanDate] = 0; } GetCurrentTempBanCount() { new loaded; for(new id; id < 24; id++) //max of 24 temporary bans { if(strlen(TempBans[id][BannedName]) > 0 || strlen(TempBans[id][BannedIP]) > 0) loaded++; } return loaded; } GetTempBanSlot() { new loaded; for(new id; id < 24; id++) //max of 24 temporary bans { if(strlen(TempBans[id][BannedName]) == 0 || strlen(TempBans[id][BannedIP]) == 0) loaded = id; } return loaded; } stock SaveTempBans() { new dat[100]; new File: file = fopen("tempbans.txt", io_write); for(new id; id<24; id++) { format(dat, 100, "%s,%s,%d\r\n",TempBans[id][BannedName],TempBans[id][BannedIP],TempBans[id][UnbanDate]); fwrite(file, dat); } fclose(file); } LoadTempBans() { // load the bans new loaded=0; if(fexist("tempbans.txt")) { new dat[100]; new File: file = fopen("tempbans.txt", io_read); if (file) { for(new id; id < 24; id++) //max of 24 temporary bans { fread(file,dat); sscanf(dat,"p<,>s[24]s[16]d",TempBans[id][BannedName],TempBans[id][BannedIP],TempBans[id][UnbanDate]); if(strlen(TempBans[id][BannedName]) > 0) loaded++; } fclose(file); } } return 1; } GetBan(ip[]) { for(new id; id < 24; id++) { if(!strcmp(ip,TempBans[id][BannedIP])) { return id; } } return 0; } stock TempAdmin(playerid) { if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) return true; return false; }
enum TempBanData