Muscle Animations

Originally Posted by NGEN123
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you want this?

MscleWalkst_armed MscleWalkst_Csaw Mscle_rckt_run Mscle_rckt_walkst Mscle_run_Csaw MuscleIdle MuscleIdle_armed MuscleIdle_Csaw MuscleIdle_rocket MuscleRun MuscleRun_armed MuscleSprint MuscleWalk MuscleWalkstart MuscleWalk_armed Musclewalk_Csaw Musclewalk_rocket
+rep me if i help
I know the names of the animations, I'm just trying to figure out if it's possibly to make it so when you hold the space key you're forced into CJ's muscle animations, while still being able to turn left and right with A and D

Messages In This Thread
Muscle Animations - by Orma - 06.08.2014, 13:21
Re: Muscle Animations - by Stinged - 06.08.2014, 13:30
Re: Muscle Animations - by SpikY_ - 06.08.2014, 13:35
Re: Muscle Animations - by Orma - 06.08.2014, 20:44
Re: Muscle Animations - by Frezemis - 07.08.2014, 04:01
Re: Muscle Animations - by Rifa4life - 07.08.2014, 13:42

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