Help - Why can I find any talented help?

So for a project as I've listed elsewhere, what would be an ideal rate? And yes.. I myself don't have the patience to learn 3-4 years worth of scripting talent simply to start a community. What I do have is the financial backing for someone to benefit from by providing their skills..

Pottus, Would $4000 be enough, I now a few bigger servers that sold out for maybe double that, but that's 75% of the community base that made the value so high, not exactly the script.

I'm willing to work with any mature, and highly experienced scripters.. I can make it worth your time.. Take a second to speak to me about the concept and what kind of compensation I can offer you... <-- Seems to appeal only to kids as stated previously, and foreign amatures...

Still looking for a finger in the right direction!

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