No repeat DIALOG.

Thank you. but I have a problem.
the problem is that the random DIALOG, I only run once. and I just wanted the DIALOG, already run would not be repeated.

also I have a warning

warning 213: tag mismatch. is solved by changing this code so.

pawn Код:
DialogUsado [playerid] [1] = 1;

/ / new code:

DialogUsado [playerid] [1] = true;
and the warning is removed, but just keeps coming both ways and said the problem


Gracias. pero tengo un problema.
el problema es que el random DIALOG, solo se me ejecuta una sola vez. y yo solo queria que no se repitiera el DIALOG, que ya se ejecuto.

ademбs tengo un advertencia

warning 213: tag mismatch. se soluciona cambiando este cуdigo asн.

pawn Код:
DialogUsado[playerid][1] = 1;

//new code:

DialogUsado[playerid][1] = true;
y se elimina la advertencia, pero igual las dos formas sigue saliendo el problema que ya dije

Messages In This Thread
No repeat DIALOG. - by EddD - 04.08.2014, 21:10
Respuesta: No repeat DIALOG. - by EddD - 04.08.2014, 22:28
Re: No repeat DIALOG. - by SickAttack - 04.08.2014, 22:31
Respuesta: No repeat DIALOG. - by Cepillado - 04.08.2014, 22:34
Respuesta: No repeat DIALOG. - by EddD - 04.08.2014, 22:40
Respuesta: No repeat DIALOG. - by Cepillado - 04.08.2014, 22:56
Respuesta: No repeat DIALOG. - by EddD - 05.08.2014, 02:01

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