/sethp command not working

Why do you have tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); twice? I'm pretty sure that you don't need that. Besides from that I really don't know what could it be, why don't you try using sscanf?

Messages In This Thread
/sethp command not working - by arad55 - 04.08.2014, 22:07
Respuesta: /sethp command not working - by Cepillado - 04.08.2014, 22:24
Re: /sethp command not working - by ViniBorn - 04.08.2014, 22:26
Re: /sethp command not working - by arad55 - 04.08.2014, 22:37
Respuesta: /sethp command not working - by Cepillado - 04.08.2014, 22:45
Re: /sethp command not working - by arad55 - 04.08.2014, 22:55
Re: /sethp command not working - by TLN - 04.08.2014, 22:59
Respuesta: /sethp command not working - by Cepillado - 04.08.2014, 23:04
Re: /sethp command not working - by arad55 - 04.08.2014, 23:05
Re: /sethp command not working - by Don_Cage - 04.08.2014, 23:11

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