You Know The Music Before You Spawn? Of Course You Do!

Note: the coords of the PlayerPlayerSound function don't really matter, you can heard the sound from almost anywhere.
Also, if you're doing it in the OnPlayerRequestClass callback, in the OnPlayerSpawn callback add the same line in the request class callback, but add a '-' before the soundid, basically making it negative. That will stop the sound from playing.

Messages In This Thread
You Know The Music Before You Spawn? Of Course You Do! - by BP13 - 17.06.2009, 02:27
Re: You Know The Music Before You Spawn? Of Course You Do! - by Joe Staff - 17.06.2009, 02:28
Re: You Know The Music Before You Spawn? Of Course You Do! - by Grim_ - 17.06.2009, 03:17

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