Player Crasher Hack

This is most likely related to fake weapon data. We had this problem a while ago on the Mini-Missions server. Basically checking if the weapon is 0 should keep out most idiots. Return 0 in OnPlayerWeaponShot and kick them. It's not entirely water proof; very rarely a false positive occurs during a changemode so I wouldn't advise banning straight away. Log file from that event:

Messages In This Thread
Player Crasher Hack - by NickRosso - 29.07.2014, 15:07
Re: Player Crasher Hack - by therainycat - 02.08.2014, 19:13
Re: Player Crasher Hack - by alanhutch - 02.08.2014, 19:59
Re: Player Crasher Hack - by Battlezone - 02.08.2014, 20:24
Re: Player Crasher Hack - by Vince - 03.08.2014, 00:36

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