
Write it like this
CMD:createveh(playerid, params[])
    if (sscanf(params, "iii", vehid, colourid1, colourid2))return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Usage: /createveh [Vehicle ID] [Coulour 1 ID] [Colour 2 ID]");
        GetPlayerPos(playerid, p[0],p[1],p[2]);
        new v = CreateVehicle(vehid, p[0],p[1],p[2], 0, color1, color2, 1);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid,v,1);// Puts player in the Vehicle
        return 1;
You had if (sscanf(params, "iii", vehid, colourid1, colourid2,x,y,z.
That's wrong cause' you have "iii". and because of that you need 3 params. vehid = 1, c1 = 2 & c2 = 3. x,y,z are 3 to much

Messages In This Thread
ZCMD - by Sarra - 02.08.2014, 23:16
AW: ZCMD - by yellow - 02.08.2014, 23:24
Re: ZCMD - by Sarra - 02.08.2014, 23:27
AW: ZCMD - by yellow - 02.08.2014, 23:28
Re: ZCMD - by Sarra - 02.08.2014, 23:31
AW: ZCMD - by yellow - 02.08.2014, 23:33
Re: ZCMD - by Sarra - 02.08.2014, 23:35
AW: ZCMD - by yellow - 02.08.2014, 23:48
Re: ZCMD - by youssefehab500 - 02.08.2014, 23:51
AW: ZCMD - by yellow - 03.08.2014, 00:15

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