[Include] Neons - Attach neons with ease!

g_NeonObject[ vehicleid ][ 0 ],
( VehicleData[ arrModel ][ 0 ] / 2 ) - 0.5,
VehicleData[ arrModel ][ 4 ] - VehicleData[ arrModel ][ 4 ], //emm...always 0 here?
VehicleData[ arrModel ][ 5 ] - 0.5,
0.00 );

Messages In This Thread
Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by Psymetrix - 30.12.2011, 19:29
Respuesta: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by [Nikk] - 30.12.2011, 22:25
Re: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by Steven82 - 30.12.2011, 22:30
Re: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by DVA - 02.08.2014, 20:21
Re: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by iFarbod - 07.08.2014, 08:13
Re: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by Rafiullah - 12.08.2014, 19:48
Respuesta: Neons - Attach neons with ease! - by Su37Erich - 12.08.2014, 22:09

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