Would like some help if you can script not working larp errors included UPDATED

I think you forgot to
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
in your a_vehicles.inc

G:\SASDRPTRAIN\pawno\include\a_vehicles.inc(1907) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"

You forgot to put ; at the end of the line..

G:\SASDRPTRAIN\pawno\include\a_vehicles.inc(55) : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "SCRIPT_VERSION")

Don't know about this..

Messages In This Thread
Would like some help if you can script not working larp errors included UPDATED - by gablery - 16.06.2009, 20:41
Re: Would like some help if you can script not working larp G/ errors included - by SiJ - 16.06.2009, 20:42
Re: Would like some help if you can script not working larp / errors included - by gablery - 16.06.2009, 21:07

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