SendClientMessage in seperate lines...

Firstly, SendFMessage:
pawn Код:
#define SendFMessage(%1,%2,%3,%4) do{new sendfstring[128];format(sendfstring,128,(%3),%4);SendClientMessage((%1), (%2) ,sendfstring);}while(false)
Ok, I have this:
pawn Код:
new ServerMSG[][] =
  "\n Found a bug? Or maybe grammar error?\n /report us now!\n You will get BiG ReWaRD!\n And.. Don't forget our website: %s ! \n",
  "\n Have a suggestion? \n Use /suggest to tell us, and get rewarded!\n And.. Don't forget our website: %s ! \n",
    "\n Stuck somewhere? Can't find something?\n Check for a /help or ask one of our friendly admins :) \n And.. Don't forget our website: %s ! \n"
and this timer:
pawn Код:
public ServerMSGS(playerid)
    new randMSG = random(sizeof(ServerMSG));
    SendFMessage(playerid,COLOR_SYSTEM, ServerMSG[randMSG],SITE_URL);
But it doesn't add new lines there \n character is.. i even tried \r\n but they works only if i'm printing it to console..
How can I add new lines, there \n in the array is?
P.S. On SendClientMessage it makes double space in the place there \n is

Messages In This Thread
SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by SiJ - 16.06.2009, 20:27
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by Donny_k - 16.06.2009, 20:35
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by SiJ - 16.06.2009, 20:37
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by Donny_k - 16.06.2009, 20:49
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by SiJ - 16.06.2009, 20:56
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by Donny_k - 16.06.2009, 21:06
Re: SendClientMessage in seperate lines... - by SiJ - 16.06.2009, 21:14

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