Best way of versioning a Gamemode?

My vote is for revision or build number.

I think semver is the best way to version any piece of software ever, but it depends on the target audience.

Assuming you're not writing an open-source gamemode, the people that will see the version are you and your players.
You don't need to know your version in any specific format, because you should be using git/svn so that you know which changes were made when, or you should at least be keeping notes about major changes.
So it's your players that have an interest in the version. In this case, I think semver is overkill because players don't care about the details of versioning, and it's harder to identify a change between, say, "1.19.52" and "1.19.53" compared to something like "Build 12" and "Build 13".

So using one build/revision number places a focus on major updates, which I think is good for something like a SA-MP gamemode.

As for which one out of "build x", "revision x", "Rx", it doesn't really matter, it's all the same thing.

Messages In This Thread
Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by iFarbod - 31.07.2014, 07:43
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by Cannary2048 - 31.07.2014, 07:45
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by iFarbod - 31.07.2014, 07:57
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by iNiko - 31.07.2014, 08:01
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by SanAndreasMP - 31.07.2014, 08:16
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by ev0lution - 31.07.2014, 08:55
Respuesta: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by CuervO - 31.07.2014, 09:06
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by Twizted - 31.07.2014, 09:13
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by Danny - 31.07.2014, 09:29
Re: Best way of versioning a Gamemode? - by linuxthefish - 31.07.2014, 10:16

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