[FilterScript] Y_Vehicle Lasers

Originally Posted by ******
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I don't actually own the letter "y" - we would run out of letters very quickly if people started claiming 1/26th of the alphabet each. We would end up with many includes called things like "Ώ_vehicles" and "₮streamer". I might request that any possible confusion from the name be carefully considered first, but can't ban people from using this prefix.
Relax my friend... relax

Nice FS, I like the lasers.

Messages In This Thread
Y_Vehicle Lasers (UPDATED!) - by Youice - 25.07.2014, 20:16
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Acres - 25.07.2014, 20:44
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by TH3_R3D™ - 25.07.2014, 21:06
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Lumineux - 26.07.2014, 03:22
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Raefal - 26.07.2014, 03:37
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Youice - 26.07.2014, 15:14
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by HeLiOn_PrImE - 26.07.2014, 15:38
Respuesta: Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by adri1 - 26.07.2014, 15:56
Respuesta: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Whyd - 26.07.2014, 22:04
Re: Y_Vehicle Lasers - by Youice - 27.07.2014, 00:42

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