Team Colors [HELP]

Can you give an example like?

pawn Код:
if(gTeam[i] == TEAM_GROVE){
SetPlayerMarketForPlaeyr(42, i , 0x888888C8);
Thats just an example but i dont know how to do it so can you tell me how to do this?

Messages In This Thread
Team Colors [HELP] - by [Cali]ChrOnic_T - 25.07.2014, 02:13
Re: Team Colors [HELP] - by GeekSiMo - 25.07.2014, 02:28
Respuesta: Team Colors [HELP] - by [Cali]ChrOnic_T - 25.07.2014, 03:09
Re: Team Colors [HELP] - by Stanford - 25.07.2014, 03:41

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