need help with a Point to Point Mission (incognito Streamer)

look not to confuse you guys, this script isnt mine but its one i found which no longer has support. the main thing is that it is simple, doesn't require many lines and is editable to make all different kinds of missions, the thing is, this script uses SetPlayerCheckpoint. Whenever i was doing a pizza mission and i passed one of my streamer checkpoints, the SetPlayerCheckpoint would disappear and never reappear.

What I was trying to do was convert the SetPlayerCheckpoint into CreateDynamicCP.
I did most of the script and I got no errors in pawno, but ingame, when I stepped into the first checkpoint, it didn't disappear and also all the other checkpoints were being streamed.

I was using TogglePlayerDynamicRaceCP(playerid, checkpointid, toggle); to toggle the previous and next checkpoint on and off after i entered the next checkpoint but i still couldnt get it to work.

anywho, here is the base script I am using, with a few Grammar tweaks of my own.

if someone could edit this script to work with incognito's streamer, I would be very grateful.

edit: also, I don't like using race checkpoints because the mission isn't a race, it feels weird.

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