22.07.2014, 18:26
Well what you can do is retrieve the faction ID of a player and place it in the first dimension of FacInfo for example:
CMD:arrest(playerid, params) // arresting command { new targetid; If(sscanf(params,"u", targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Usage"); new fID = Playerinfo[playerid][factionID]; If( FacInfo[fID][CanArrest] != true) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Your faction does not authorise you to arrest!"); ArrestPlayer(targetid); } ![]() |
ID = FacInfo[MAX_FACTIONS][fInfo];
How do we make MAX_FACTIONS look up the proper file??
"/facitons/%i", FactionInfo[ID][fInfo];