sscanf User specifiers not working properly

Originally Posted by SickAttack
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pawn Code:
YCMD:agive(playerid, params[], help)
    new lookupid;
    sscanf(params, "?<CELLMIN_ON_MATCHES=1>U(-1)", lookupid);
    if(lookupid == -1)
        // No player was entered.
    else if(lookupid == cellmin)
        // Multiple matches found.
    else if(lookupid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
        // Entered player is not connected.
        // Found just one player.
    return 1;
That still doesn't solve the fact that it doesn't properly search names. If my name is "Test" and I try to give money to "Test2", it shouldn't give "Test" the money, but it does because it searching to see if "Test" is in "Test2" rather than if "Test2" is in "Test" like it should be. It's backwards.

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