
Originally Posted by BroZeus
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well there is a way of doint it
so here is it how it is done
Use unix time stamps you can read them about them here
so here is an example of how to do it
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid)
new last = gettime();
new IP[16+1];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, IP, sizeof(IP));

//now save the these both in file //
//we will be loading them on player connect
return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect
//load the varaibes which we saved suppose you loaded them in Player[playerid[LastLoggedIn] and Player[playerid][IP]
new nip[17];
GetPlayerIp(playerid, nip, 17);

if(!strcmp(Player[playerid][IP], nip, true) && Player[playerid][LastLoggedIn] <= (60*120)/*2 hours*/)
//auto login procedure here
return 1;
//login procedure
return 1;
As far as I'm concerned, this has a massive security hole since you can login to any account by using this method. It basically just checks if your IP has been logged in sometime the last 2 hours..

Also, you cannot use GetPlayerIp in OnPlayerDisconnect.

Messages In This Thread
Auto-login: - by Twizted - 22.07.2014, 09:48
Re: Auto-login: - by SKAzini - 22.07.2014, 10:03
Re: Auto-login: - by BroZeus - 22.07.2014, 10:13
Re: Auto-login: - by SKAzini - 22.07.2014, 10:19

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