need help with an idea but im not sure how to do it :(, plz help :S

Originally Posted by meegan1
Originally Posted by Don Correlli
Use TextDrawHideForPlayer in command if you want to use it in command or in SetTimer/SetTimerEx if you want it in timer.
k thnx don how would i make it so for a cmd it appears or how could i make it so when some1 joins the server it apears?

and also could you give me an example of using that TextDrawHideForPlayer in a cmd plz
First you need to create a text draw in OnGameModeInit with TextDrawCreate. Then you can show it with TextDrawShowForPlayer/TextDrawShowForAll.
You can hide it with TextDrawHideForPlayer/TextDrawHideForAll.
To set a text on a text draw, use TextDrawSetString. You can destroy it with TextDrawDestroy.

To show it when someone joins the server then use it in OnPlayerConnect and hide it in OnPlayerDisconnect when he leaves the server.

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