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Originally Posted by RyDeR`
Just a simple piece of code which you can to detect IP adresses.
It returns true/1 if it detects a ip otherwise false/0.
pawn Код:
stock stringContainsIP(const szStr[]) { new iDots, i ; while(szStr[i] != EOS) { if('0' <= szStr[i] <= '9') { do { if(szStr[i] == '.') iDots++; i++; } while(('0' <= szStr[i] <= '9') || szStr[i] == '.' || szStr[i] == ':'); } if(iDots > 2) return 1; else iDots = 0; i++; } return 0; }
Block advertisements:
Under OnPlayerText:
pawn Код:
if(stringContainsIP(text)) { new szMsg[128] ; GetPlayerName(playerid, szMsg, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "%s has been banned due advertising!", szMsg); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF, szMsg); Ban(playerid); return 0; }
This will ban the player if he writes an IP adress like (doesn't matter which IP)
This is pretty old, but just want to point out that using that stock under OnPlayerText has a minor bug.
Try typing three words, the first word with
1 character, the second word with
3 characters, and the last word with
1 character and
a number. If you are sending texts with the playerid, the ID of the player won't be sent. Also if you try printing those 3 words in the console they won't print neither.