invisible cars?

I added a /kickstart command and interior for my stunt server and

when i spawn cars they are invisible...Any car i add it's invisible but you can drive it, and as soon as you get on your invisible. How do i fix this? please help

Heres my code:

if (strcmp("/kickstart", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) //chilliad
	SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1465.268676,1557.868286,1052.531250);
 	SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 14);
	new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
	format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has joined kickstart, type /kickstart to join", name);
	return 1;
I get no errors on this code.

Messages In This Thread
invisible cars? - by killdahobo99 - 14.06.2009, 03:35
Re: invisible cars? - by Abernethy - 14.06.2009, 03:51
Re: invisible cars? - by killdahobo99 - 14.06.2009, 04:19
Re: invisible cars? - by [HiC]TheKiller - 14.06.2009, 04:26
Re: invisible cars? - by killdahobo99 - 14.06.2009, 04:32
Re: invisible cars? - by lavamike - 14.06.2009, 04:40
Re: invisible cars? - by killdahobo99 - 14.06.2009, 14:08

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