Working anti-reconnect.

Originally Posted by Scottas
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probably there are some tools. After player disconnects, get timestamp and ip.When player connects, compare his IP, check time passed and if there is something wrong - kick him.
as far as I know, you can't get someone's IP when they disconnect.

Uh, a small idea i guess.. Dunno if It will help, not tested either xD

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <foreach>

new PlayerIP[ MAX_PLAYERS ];

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new pIP[16];
    PlayerIP[ playerid ] = GetPlayerIp(playerid, pIP, sizeof(pIP));
    return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
    SetTimerEx("CheckIP", 1500, false, "i", playerid);
    return 1;

forward CheckIP(playerid);
public CheckIP(playerid)
    new pIP[16];
    foreach(Player, i)
        GetPlayerIp(i, pIP, sizeof(pIP));
        if(strcmp(PlayerIP[ playerid ], pIP) == 0)
            new pName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
            GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
            printf("%s has used a 'reconnect' exploit/hack, kicking..", pName);
    return 1;
Not tested.. Increasing the timer might help( if something weird happens ), dunno :d

Messages In This Thread
Working anti-reconnect. - by tuuler - 17.07.2014, 17:29
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by GeekSiMo - 17.07.2014, 17:30
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by tuuler - 17.07.2014, 17:33
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by GeekSiMo - 17.07.2014, 17:37
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by tuuler - 17.07.2014, 17:38
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by Scottas - 17.07.2014, 17:42
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by tuuler - 17.07.2014, 17:44
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by Kyance - 17.07.2014, 17:58
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by Scottas - 17.07.2014, 18:04
Re: Working anti-reconnect. - by tuuler - 17.07.2014, 18:28

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