
I have a function that I scripted that is supposed to read from the file Assets.ini through a stock that is initiated when the gamemode initates, which sets a variable to set

pawn Код:
SpawnSkin = dini_Int("Assets.ini", "SpawnSkin");
And so I begin to load this skin via a callback, called when the player successfully registers their password into the register dialog.

pawn Код:
public Register(playerid, password[])
    new string[128], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Accounts/%s.ini", Name);

        Player[playerid][Registered] = 0;
        format(Player[playerid][Password], 128, "%s", password);
        dini_Set(string, "Password", password);
        dini_FloatSet(string, "PlayerX", 0.0);
        dini_FloatSet(string, "PlayerY", 0.0);
        dini_FloatSet(string, "PlayerZ", 0.0);

        SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, SpawnSkin, SpawnX, SpawnZ, SpawnY, SpawnA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ);
        SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, SpawnA);
        SetPlayerSkin(playerid, SpawnSkin);
        SetPlayerInterior(playerid, SpawnInt);
        SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, SpawnWorld);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, ORANGE, "You're account already exsists. Relog and complete your login.");
    return 1;
Yet it will not set the players skin, even though the file clearly states SpawnSkin=59. I've tried several options, even putting it under OnPlayerSpawn, and still nothing. I get no errors, but I have this stock at the bottom of the script that, as I said earlier, sets the variable.

pawn Код:
stock InitFileVars()

        SpawnX = dini_Float("Assets.ini", "SpawnX");
        SpawnY = dini_Float("Assets.ini", "SpawnY");
        SpawnZ = dini_Float("Assets.ini", "SpawnZ");
        SpawnInt = dini_Int("Assets.ini", "SpawnInt");
        SpawnWorld = dini_Int("Assets.ini", "SpawnWorld");
        SpawnSkin = dini_Int("Assets.ini", "SpawnSkin");
        print("[system] Successfully initiated file Assets.ini! Proceeding...");
        print("[system] Assets.ini is missing! /setspawn anywhere to create the file.");
    return 1;
No errors... Any ideas?


Messages In This Thread
SetPlayerSkin - by BornHuman - 15.07.2014, 21:56
Re: SetPlayerSkin - by BornHuman - 15.07.2014, 23:30
Re: SetPlayerSkin - by BornHuman - 16.07.2014, 04:05

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