IsPlayerInArea problem.

pawn Код:

EDIT: Nvm just use it like this

pawn Код:
public isPlayerInArea()
       new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
       for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
           GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
           if (X <= -3915 && X >= -3694 && Y <= 401 && Y >= 37) //if a player enters the area, between X= -3915 and -3694 || Y= 401 and 37. He will die.
               SetPlayerHealth(i, 0);

Messages In This Thread
IsPlayerInArea problem. - by tuuler - 15.07.2014, 13:50
Re: IsPlayerInArea problem. - by TwinkiDaBoss - 15.07.2014, 13:56
Re: IsPlayerInArea problem. - by Dignity - 15.07.2014, 14:02

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