GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql

What is this?

pawn Код:
format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `Cars` (Owned, Owner, Model, Value, Locationx, Locationy, Locationz, Angle, Parked, Stock) VALUES (1, %d, %d, %d, 763.7009, -1016.5224, 23.9668, 0, 0, %d)", KasutajaInfo[id][pSQLID], model, price, price);
On the end of the query you added price twice?


pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[id][pCash] < hind) return SendClientMessage(id, -1, "You don't have enough money!");
what is Hind??

Could you explain more and include the values I asked.

Messages In This Thread
GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 02.07.2014, 12:51
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 02.07.2014, 18:03
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 14.07.2014, 21:13
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by azzerking - 14.07.2014, 22:22
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 14.08.2014, 23:45
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 25.08.2014, 19:40
Re: GM loading vehicle wrong at Mysql - by Porgand - 28.08.2014, 02:23

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