Player id 0 and 5 Getting admin levels. [Very Weird]

i think you forget to reset the admin variables on player disconnect
do like this--
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid , reason)
pInfo[playerid][admin] = 0;//change the variable to wahtever is your variable
return 1;
if it doesn't work then show the code where you load the varaibles from player file/database

Messages In This Thread
Player id 0 and 5 Getting admin levels. [Very Weird] - by CharlieSanchez - 14.07.2014, 10:34
Re: Player id 0 and 5 Getting admin levels. [Very Weird] - by BroZeus - 14.07.2014, 10:38
Re: Player id 0 and 5 Getting admin levels. [Very Weird] - by Vince - 14.07.2014, 11:13
Re: Player id 0 and 5 Getting admin levels. [Very Weird] - by CharlieSanchez - 14.07.2014, 12:13

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